Frequently Asked Questions

Do we have to use certain vendors?

No. Whether it's pork, tacos or quinoa bowls, we want you to serve your guests your favorites.  We can provide a list of stellar catering services in the area; we are happy to refer our favorites who love celebrating at the Watson Event Center.  All vendors used on the event center grounds need to be licensed and insured. REMINDER: We Offer Catering Options-Ask us about Mimosa Breakfasts, Getting Ready Grub, Late Night Snacks!

Can we light candles in the pavilion?

Yes. In order to ensure our guest's safety, open flames are something we'll discuss when you sign your contract. Just like bringing in any glass items, we try to limit the amount. As WHC staff help plan your special day, we’ll discuss your decor plan and remind you to inform us of glass, open flames, etc.

Is smoking allowed?

There is no smoking (including vapes) allowed inside any of our buildings including the pavilion. We ask that you kindly remind your smoking/vaping guests to be courteous of others as well as use the provided ashtrays and receptacles. We'd hate to cut into your security deposit because our staff spend hours cleaning up cigarette butts or Juul pods. Any cannabis questions for use on our private property need to be discussed with WHC staff.

Can we bring in our own drinks or supply our own liquor?

All drinks must be purchased at the WHC and poured by WHC staff.  Thank you for supporting our experienced bartender's right to refuse alcohol to any guests. Please remind your guests (including the guy your cousin decided to bring who looks old for his age) that the legal drinking age in MN is 21. We WILL enforce this policy; any wedding guests pushing the limits or disrespecting our rules WILL be asked to leave the property.

Is this an animal-friendly venue?

All animals wishing to be on the property need to be discussed with WHC Staff. As long as animals are clean, safe and taken care of (including poo clean up) are welcome at the camp. All dogs in our lodging areas need to be crated. Any animals deemed unsafe or unkempt will be removed from the property.

Glam team set up?

We love that each couple can choose unique ideas for their celebration. With plenty of changing room and private showers, most of our couples enjoy using the entire bottom level of our clean WHC lodge to get ready. Alternatively, we have had couples get glammed off the property, in the bunkhouse, in the Event Center with the cedar wall backdrops & simply outside enjoying the sunny scenery.

How is parking ?

We like to encourage guests to drop off party-goers at the door before they turn around in the ample entrance area to park. The mowed field provides plenty of parking. Your guests are welcome to leave vehicles on the property all weekend. Golf cart, hayride or parking attendants…all great ideas!

Can brides use the Something Borrowed Room?

Our Something Borrowed Room is constantly changing and being upgraded with each new event! Couples who book with the WHC are welcome to use any of our currently available decor free of charge! We simply ask that you replace what you’ve used and leave at least one item for future couples.